Friday, 28 March 2008

Old Mates...

I know I know, tis might be little late to post tis as the events - "Lo sang" dinner & Theva's surprise b'day were held last month. Just got the photos anyway. At least, it's better late than never rite gang??

Had tis "lo sang" dinner with the Akurians' plan in mind for some time & thought of having it on one fine weekend (during the CNY period of cos). It's then made hastened when Ray called on Friday out of a sudden & announced he's flying off to Labuan to work on Monday. So, it's now or never or he will miss all the fun!!!! 1 day to call those peeps & get things going...Thank goodness most of them are free on Sunday. Suggested the Klang seafood restaurant in Pandamaran as it was pork-free & serves good seafood delicacies at reasonable price. And there's 12 of us sitting enjoying the seafood while reminiscing the old days + new memories gained (from the recent Pangkor trip) and updating each other + little gossipings. Moved on to 2nd round of drinks in Asia Cafe after that & killed time till wee hours while sipping (or gulping could be the better word) cool chilled beers. I lost count on how many buckets of Tigers we ordered...
Weeks after that, Maj suggested on tis surprise b'day for our beloved Theva with help from his bro. Plan is to surprise him at his home when he's on the way back. Old idea but effective. All mechanisms are in order with that fat bum went back home earlier than expected & immediately knocked off into his La-La land. Changed to Plan B when we will secretly slip into his home & surprise him when he's awake. Whipped cream is on standby when we managed to get outside his home. On personal note, it's my payback time for him being part of my surprise New Eve attack in Pangkor...Out of a sudden, that bum woke up & came out from the house and saw us, asking "What the heck ur doing at my home??" Dammiiitttt...the plan screwed up!!!! Any damage control?? No....but what the heck. Forget the surprise but the whipped cream attack will still go on & here's our B-boy got the taste of attacks from all directions...

B-boy got attacked

Enjoyed blowing candles, cut cake bla bla bla together after that...& boy, the cake from Cake Sense was damn good...Emma brought some photos (that I hardly remembered taken) & her old autograph book (that I hardly remembered writing stuffs inside) from school days..that exercise book that almost every gal will have & get every single soul to write somethin inside....& of cos as usual talked cock bout every single topic that can be discussed whole nite long while enjoying my Chivas Regal....It has been 11 years now & that does not mean we can stop doing the crazy stuffs we used to do in yesteryears and reminiscing the memories. It's more meaningful & sweet when u do it with the same people u hang out with. As Maj said, it's also time to create new memories & September will be a risky & dangerous month for others..:)

The gang...

Friday, 14 March 2008

Dawn of A New Era

March 8, 2008...mark tis date for it's the most significant & eventful day in the history of M'sian elections. It would have been known by now (unless ur staying in a jungle far far deep inside Taman Negara) that BN was denied 2/3 majority in Parliament & lost 5 states to the Opposition coalition parties at that.

Never in my lifetime I've seen newspapers were selling like hot cakes. I can't even got a copy of my favourite Malay Mail & Sun newspaper (probably the most bias-free newspapers in the market) for one week !!!! Been reading the news website for it's been made freely accessible for public for one week. Floods of mails/columns/posts awakened me to the fact that people's thoughts has indeed change & this time around, they made their votes count. Political tsunami, waves of changes or whatever they call it, the elections this time will bound to be the benchmark of many future election campaigns to come. Vox populi (means voices of people in French) caused the rakyat to show Makkal Sakthi (means people power in Tamil) & many other factors prompted people to give the vote of their lifetime. Not goin to dwell on analysing how & why it happens since there are countless people out there giving great concise, bias-free analysis. Check out

Talked to many people (my peers) before elections & most of them includes me did not register to vote. Reason is we're way too disillusioned with the state of politics all over. People might change in different office terms but things remains the same. Public money are wasted on extravagant so-called study trips & buildings of many "white elephants" (especially in the local council level). Voices of the people was heard went unheeded. Corrupted officials went unpunished or rather punished lightly (think of a certain Klang man, now DEAD). One minister frankly spoke of the existence of many little Napoleons in local governments. Many other issues were ignored & authorities closed their one eye on it. So why the heck we need to queue up for hours just to cross the blank box in a small piece of paper when rakyat $$$ will still be squandered by those Napoleons?? And we're partly at faults for choosing these people. The results of the elections has clearly showed that democracy is indeed alive here & changed my thoughts (I'm sure to most of us as well) on the power of people to decide the political outcome of the country.

M'sian political landscape is no longer the same & it's the fact everyone (that's u and me) need to accept & adapt to it. Seems like some losers were still unable to accept their losts, acting like crybabies & blaming everyone else but themselves. Even the winners shouldn't be spared too, now that everyone want a piece of cake for themselves & caused infighting over positions. This is my message to all: CUT ALL THE CRAPS & GET DOWN TO WORK !!!!

To the winners: Now that u've been voted into office, stop the infighting & re-adjust ur
ideologies if u need to, now that ur governing the multi-racial states. Do your best to fulfill ur promises to us, the rakyat who will decide on ur performance next election.
To the losers: It's not the end of the world & stop acting like sore losers.Do your own self
reflections & read Billi Lim's book "Dare to Fail" if u still dun understand. Get back to grassroots & find the root causes on your failures. Work to regain our trust in you.

Okay, I shall now go to the nearest post office to register my name for next elections. Dammit...should have done this many donkey years back when I reached 21.