Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Been There & Back

Just back from China early at wee hours this morning. Few news headlines missed for the past 5 days. Button won (again!!) the KL Formula One GP, he became the new Prime Minister of Malaysia & most important of all, Gunners won 2-0 against Man City to strengthen their grip on the 4th placing & can somebody tell me who the heck is Federico Macheda??? Sounds Chilean instead of Italian to me.

Back to the China trip, we bought this Air Asia zero fare promo, totalled approx RM 350 per pax for return fare. Total duration of 5 days 4 nite for whole family together with 12 other family frens. Checked the itenary here, planned by the ever-so-efficient Mom. She works in travel agency anyway...There's arrival at Guangzhou, 2 nites in town, then one nite in Dongguan & then another nite in Shenzhen before return to KL via Shenzhen. Back home from work on 1st nite & our departure time from LCCT KLIA to Guangzhou at 0530 hrs the next day!!!! And the airport transfer van came at 0300 hrs, leaving me only 2 hours of sleep. Anyhow, it's my first time to the places & at least there's places for us to test out the new camera bought, shared by both bro & myself...the Panasonic DMC-LX3.

Shall post about the trip soon with great photos....


Raymond said...

Macheda's the MAN!!! Post some China photos dude...

maj said...

time to start planning our annual reunion trip... book everyone six months in advanced so they don't have an excuse to to come :)

Raymond said...

The problem is..when and where? lol

Steeven said...

yeah yeah...great promo there for tickets. Go local